Labotek RS 818


Labotek RS 818: Streamlined Proportioning for Hopper Loaders

Introducing the Labotek RS 818, an adjustable 2-way proportioning valve designed for hopper loaders. This valve simplifies the conveyance of two materials, allowing individual adjustment of conveying intervals for valve 1 and valve 2. Its user-friendly design ensures easy installation, and the incorporation of a simple mixing technique enhances its utility, particularly for regrind usage.


The Ratio-Selector is designed to operate in connection with a Con-Evator, Mini Feed 15-60 or another vacuum conveyor. Available with or without control.


Key Features

The RS 818 is seamlessly integrated into the Con-Evator control system, offering a holistic solution for material conveyance. Constructed with durability in mind, the valve boasts a cast aluminium build with wear parts made of stainless steel AISI 304. Its adaptability and robust design make it an ideal choice for precision material handling in hopper loader setups.